busy busy busy
Saturday, Sept. 11, 2004

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11:09 am

ok its not that I don't have anything to write about it just that I am just so fucking busy it doesn't seem like I am all the busy sometimes even to me yet I am... I have this paper to write for eng class and its not hard it just geting it all down in the way its suppose to be.. though I must admit I am starting to feel more like myself in class, cause the first few classes I just sat there feeling dum.. no I 'm not dum but it been so long since I ahve been in school I just had the feeling that these kids were light-years ahead of me.. I was wrong ..they are behind me way way behind.. and they so don't know shit anything most of the things we have to read about (ie pop culture) I remember and they have no clue on and what is worst they are trying too hard to sound smart, but have no idea about what they are talking about...

I will be very glad when I am done with this paper cause then I can focus on my up coming trip to NYC.. though that is probable a good thing... baby is so excited.. and tommy is going with me to the workshop on BDSM and hypno.. he was a little freaky out.. it bothered him that it didn't bother him to follow my direct orders.. so he has been away for a bit.. not sure why but all the boys have been a bit on edge of late even baby.. I had to calm him down he had some memories from childhood come back to him but they weren't bad ones just things he forgot which can happen from time to time...tommy I am trying to work on him accepting him slave side but one step at a time on that one

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