knights poem-"Voice"
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002

What I am Listening to:
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7:44 pm

The sound in my ears,rumbles deep within me

My eyes do not focus, there is nothign i can see.

least not with my eyes, as they are shut

yet i see her with my heart, my mind, nothing but.

Clear as a bell, her voice peirces my soul

Her laugh starts with a breath, and ends in a roll.

No matter what she says, no matter the subject

a longing stirs within me, and i do not object.

I could talk to her for hours, about nothing at all,

and it seems every minute is spent, waiting for her to call.

Though she seems flights of fancy, constructs of fantasy and dream,

but in my heart i know there is nothing sweeter, not peaches, not cream.

Chocolate on the tongue, cannot taste as sweet,

I know my knees would be weak, were we to meet.

So i just sit here, alone in the dark

seeing only her face, in my mind like a spark.

It starts a smoulder, a flash then a flame!

And yet i do not believe she even knows my name.

So i sit here, listening to her voice.

When will we meet? As with everything, when it is her choic

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