Between the twins
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002

What I am Listening to:
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7:05 pm

"You're making me high"- Toni Braxton

OH my Goddess sometimes I think only I could get myself into things like this. Bad part it is not really a mess, it is not like a can't have both I can, I just wish they were the same person. I want they both so badly they aren't so very different in fact I think they are alike but I connect to each different

One I have not known him a week yet but already he can reach in and touch me in places I thought no one would even want to. I don't even hypno him, I have online people tell me everyday about how beautiful they think I am but they don't really try to know who I am, this one has he can make me laugh he wants to know how I think, he wrote me a poem, I don't know if I can put into words how it moved me. In it I could so clearly see his desire, but to be someone muse..... No matter how others see us we tend to always see ourself as the worst we ever were, hoping that someday someone will look beyond that to the swan inside if they only look hard enough

I am not saying that he did all of that, but that is the way the poem made me feel

Then I have my fave I am not sure sometimes why I try, then he will give in to me and I see, I love his strengthes, even how he fights me sometimes and when he does give it is so complete, I know I can help he reach places he might have never sought out on his own. Doing that is a joy to me

They are both Gemin

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