that's how I know that you are mine
Monday, Sept. 30, 2002

What I am Listening to:
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10:19 pm

Song of the day: Satellite - Smash Mouth

I am feeling this song so much today that I will post the word then my entry

I see you floating by me
I see a beautiful face
It's pointed straight up towards the smog
I know I know you feel me beaming
Can you sense my burning x-ray vision
As you roll on by now
You must be gravitating
To the vibe I'm generating or maybe not �yet
I have known you forever
You pushed the reset button on the counter of my heart
But you'll laugh at my advances
But still I've gotta chance it as I watch your dust

You do it You do it for me,
Yeah You do it You do it for me
that's how I know that you are mine
that's how I know that you are mine

I send out to you
Frequencies exceeding the speeding laws of sound
I extend out to you
The satellite that will orbit your mind until your down
That's how I know that's how I know
I'm the asteroid that will infiltrate your soul
That's how I know that's how I know
Speeding towards you burning out of control
Repeat Chorus

I know what I change after my whole my "I hate love" thing, it is still not my fave thing. but it is not straight out hate

I have a word of advice to folk all, we all come from different worlds and all walks of life I know I deal with a few subs from other countries, where customs can be very different

If someone does something that you think of as offense, tell them, they might not know that it is or that you found it so, so you don't them in return when it was never their intention to do so.

I know this happened to me and got my feelings BADLY hurt and it is only my bullheadness never to let things go that I found out that, that is what happened. And the person didn't know in return how badly I was hurt all cause of a cross customs.

Don't ASSUME that people know your customs, you grew up with them they did not, communication is so important I can't stress how much.

In other news I was feeling so Dom today, every sub who crossed my path got a treat I think my count was 6

And as how I am online I am in realtime, I was like that all day have one of the students (collage) point out I was acting like I was queen of all I see, I told him I was, he followed me around til he had class, told the old lady at lunch who was fussing about the long lines to "get over it" then had the cooks take my order before hers *wicked smile*

I know you think I am lieing I'm not. if you know some of the thing I have done without even trying *grin* but that is a tale for another day, Queen Bitch is back in a big way!

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