lost puppy
Monday, Jan. 27, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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5:09 pm

ok I had nightmares and it bothered me so much that I had the ref librarian try to to find his name online he is a lawyer so he should be listed somewhere, but I think I have the spelling of his name wrong cause I cause not find it I even looked in that Obits for his state

Yes I am that worried

I had a chat with one of my online friends who I also talk on that phone from time to time, he told me that I am worrier... I guess I am, I am not always but when I care it is hard not to he is one of that few only that really know me scarey, course he is one of that few who bother to try to

he has someone now, I am really glad he is happy, he is one of the sweetest guys I know, and she is very lucky, and I hope she knows it

I didn't know he read this journal, but I should have *grin*, it always surprizes me when I find out who is reading this, most times I just thing it is people I don't know I give that url to this thing, but most don't go back to check

but about puppy I don't think I will be ok about him til I find out what happened to him.. life will go on I will go on... no I don't think he is dead (knock on wood)

And of course cause I am so focus on puppy that fave is being that sweetest that I ever seen, I have not put him under in weeks or even called him

there is a reason for that

I kept asking him when he was coming to visit me and he would tell me something different each time.. so I am done asking if he comes then he comes but not going to ask again

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