pagan info today
Wednesday, Feb. 05, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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10:00 am


Wednesday--the day of Woden, the God of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment; and of war. Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, whose Magickal influences are: study, travel, divination, and wisdom. Mercury, the planet representing the conscious mind and communication, presides over Wednesday. It is a good day to think, but not necessarily a good one to make decisions, as thoughts tend to be abstract and the mind may wander. Wednesday is the best day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving communication, writing, divination, knowledge, teaching, learning, business meetings, study, announcements, phone calls, and planning.


Correspondences of the day include:

Sign: Gemini, Virgo

Metal: Quicksilver

Gems: Citrine

Incense: Jasmine

Colors: Yellow, Gray, Violet

Diety: Mercurius, Odin


The old Welsh tide of bore

The Modern tide of morntide

The Wind of Solanus

The Direction of East


The virtues of arousal, awakening, fertility, and vitality.


Nones of February, Tyche, Fortuna, Wyrd

This day is for telling fortunes and practicing divination. It is sacred to Fortuna, the Roman goddess of women, luck, and fertility.

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