Monday, Feb. 10, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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5:43 pm

well I now know what is going on, I did the one thing I never thought to do to get him to call me.. one would have thought I would have thought of it first, but I was too busy being hurt to think of it, I think Diva just got driven mad not knowning, so we DEMANDED THAT HE CALL US

That works, could have knocked me over with a feather I was so shocked

I could go into detail about why he left, but I am not going to

let just say that I was right, it really is a curse being right all the time

and on this I was big time across the board.. I got him to tell me the truth from all the way back from when we first met.. it felt good to know

Now what to do, good question, he doesn't know, but I know what I want and I not scared to ask for it

he is still scared about a lot of things, he has good reason to be

now what will I do, that is a very good question.... well I will say if I knew in the beginning what i know now, I would not have falling this deeply in love with him

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