I thank the Goddeses and Gods
Monday, Mar. 03, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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5:52 pm

ok sometimes I think I am the luckiest person I know.. not in everything, but is somethings.. Here I was wishing that I would find something that would re-new my interest in Hypnosis

I did this a few days ago... I have read so many books, but most of what is in them is about therapy, which is not what I wanted....

but today, someone Im'ed me on yahoo invited me to their hypno group, and I thanked them and join ..thinking I would just look around and see what it was about.. but when I thanked him he answered back...turns out he is a stage Tist, a very very good one, and he was willing to share a few scripts with me and.. and they were just what i was looking for the direction I wanted to go into, and just didn't know how to

He is amazing... no I have no idea why the people just show up when I need them, in that I am lucky, when I first started being a Hypno Dom a mentor just show up for me, saying that is what he is.... so if this is another time when my wishes come true..

Then that powers that be the Goddesses and Gods know what I want... but I do thank you for my present gifts, and I will light a candle in your honor

Blessed Be!

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