I'm me again...
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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9:13 am

ok I am feeling much beeter today... letting go of that feeling sorry for myself thing.. wasn't helping anyways

And the floating heart on a chain that I always wanted.. I forgot that my mother had gotten me one for Yule.. so I do have one....course I have never doubted that my mother loved me...

plus I am prob online too much but oh well we all have out vices... but I do need to join the real world a bit more.. and maybe just maybe I go to the one D/s club that is near me alone.....though I did talk to sub would was thinking of moveing into my area... so we will see how that goes... doesn't mean I am giving up on tomtom or fave I'm not.... but lets just say that my expectations in some areas are a bit more real now.....

plus a had a chat with my friend barbie who is a sub.. and no not mine, but she is a good friend even though we have never met, we will one day she doesn't live that far.... I think of her as my heart-sister... and even though we have never met she is one of my best friends... cause she just gets its and me..... oh wow I just got a flash... I have known her before.... yes I believe in past lives.. and in one where I knew another friend there one.. I knew I would meet again... but have not.... it was her she is the missing piece..... cause me and her clicked right away I should have known... but maybe I just had to remember......

but in anycase.... I am me again.. the good side of me *grin*

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