second time is the charm....
Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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3:18 pm

well.. I finial tried it again.. that pill that made me so sick last time.. and it didn't this time... no tea or coffee... so the jitterness wasn't there like last time... and I dont think I will be up all night.... plus I spent that morning with all that energy working out.. but I know I will have to soak my muscles this evening.... I use to dance when I was much younger.. and I know I really pushed myself today.. and yes I will take it again tomorrow... I will go down two more sizes by the end of the month... I am not sure how many days I week I will take it I won't do it every day can't go too many days without coffee... and I can't mix it with coffee or tea

now as for my new goal of entering the local scene... my fave... *smile* he is so sweet... giving me all these warning to be careful not to give out my address or number.... I have never doubted that "he" cares about me deeply... he is as loyal as loyal can be...I just wish he was closer.... and a bit more sub at times....*sigh*.... but I tonight will be working on my hypno.. cause I think I will get a more that a few chances to practice in person, and I need to learn my scripts more so it rolls off my tongue smoothly

so I have to come in for my disk *smile*

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