and the search goes on...
Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003

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5:16 pm

ahhh its sat, the day I usually chat with tomtom.. I am guess he is out of town, so no tomtom today.. I do miss him, a lot.... I did chat with J though, and we planned a day together.. did it have a lot of D/s in it no, more just hanging out.. I think I miss that the most.. just being around someone that I was intimate with.... its been a long long time for that about 2 years.. and its such a nice day today that my plan was to go to the musuem and then throw bread at the birds by the lake.. I think J was feeling that same way as he started to daydream about it as I was talking to him, he does that from time to time.. hr thinks I have the best ideas.. I don't really it is things that I miss doing.....

on other news I found out what has been making me feel light weight sick.. I am getting too much calcium.. I didn't know can get too much, but as far as one stomach I guess you can, I do eat a lot of cheese (I love that stuff) taking extra calcium I guess was over kill.. had me lightly sick all day... so I am off of that,, which I am glad of they were horse pills anyway... plus I went to a no sugar store I love that place that have fresh bread that taste like reg bread and its still low carb and be still my beating heart that have cookies... that have no carbs at all... and cereal.. ok that cereal is not hat greal tasting.. but it does mean I can go back to drinking a little milk again, I missed milk... that have bagels too which I love.. but that is for that next trip... I spend almost $50 on diet food after my reg shopping I would feel really bad about that if my mom had not spent almost the same thing.. on and crackers... no no carb Alfredo sauce, and noodles, guess what I am having for dinner *grin* that cookie I ate in the car *grin* it was sooooooooo good even for a diet cookie, and I didn't even feel guilty..... want get me a gift, carborite cookies, in big boxes any kind... I cookies are my waterloo..... now if I can find low carb cherry pie filing I will be a happy camper... and the search goes on *grin*

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