asking too much
Tuesday, May. 13, 2003

What I am Listening to: Pat Benatar - Promises In The Dark
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4:02 pm

well they have done it turned me into super bitch.... my mentor had a big hand in that... you know when that fuck did it become ok to bad mouth my country to my face?... you know I know better than you about the fucked up things they do I live in it, but if you really think I want to hear it think again.... and if bad things happens and you use it as a yet another way to state your point.. guess what I am going to dump you as a friend.. cause your not being one.. bad things happen everywhere, all I ask from my friends is that if they care to act like it... but to tell me that reason that that is what i get for picking here to live...

you know what that tells me that you don't give a fuck about me.. that you think if I get shot or hurt.. that its my fault for getting in that way of the bullet... well one I didn't pick here I was born here.... is that what you say to the people in Ireland when a car bomb goes off and kills kids.. dummy you should have picked some where else to be born.....

or to the people in China dieing of SARS.. you should have moved some where better...

you know I am not rich... I strugge to live and pay my rent.. and eat just like everyone anywhere.. the USA is not free no matter what that tell you on TV.. and there are very few that have a lot.. and I am not one of them.. I don't ask for money.. or for anyone to take care of me.. all I every ask of my friends is that that care about me like I do them..

but I guess for a few I am asking too damn much... I should have picked a better place to be born.. or should I just pick better friends, some that give a shit if I live or die... I guess I am still asking too much

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