the weaker sex....
Wednesday, May. 14, 2003

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5:25 pm

ok... you all know me I never stay mad long.. and if someone says sorry and really mean it.. I always forgive them... so I am no long mad at my mentor.. and no he didn't mean to be as insenstive as his comment made him out to be.. and he was mad at the time.. and I did know he would be sorry later.. but like him I was mad too... two angry Doms.. that can be just ugly.. but that is not the first fight we have had ..*grin* and it prob won't be that last.... bull-head taurus he can't help it... and my venus in Leo mean if you push enough I will pull out my claws... but he is back to being a teddy bear.. and this libra-cat can pur again.... but on that up side.. I feel like I have my groove back... to quote him.. "How Dive got her groove back".. I might have to do a webpage for that too no he is not a asshole.. well *cheeky grin* no more than any man is.... being the weaker sex *lol*

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