what I like.......
Thursday, Jun. 19, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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2:36 pm

well this has been a very weird week.. I seem to have subs coming out of the walls...none yet that I feel I connect with not like I do with tomtom or even jon... both of which I have not see them online of late...but I have been learning not to pin my hopes on any one person... so if they show up then good, if not, I wish them well

you know for the longest time I thought I didn't really have a type but you know that is not really true.. I would not say I am stuck in only likeing that type.. but I do have one..

I like dark hair men

short of height. but taller than me

thin... about 140 to 160

good looking

and very very submissive

I am not stuck to that, but that kind of guy will catch my eye

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