I am a snob...
Monday, Jul. 14, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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10:01 am

I seem to be veru popular of late.. full moon maybe

last night I got a call from one of my online friends.. one withthe same name as another I know well.. and I thought it was him... but it turned out to be that other... which if I'm honest was disppointing....since I had spend an hour of two flirting with him hard online..(the one I wanted to call).. which in itself worries me a bit...

oh well I won't worry about it too much I am find I am letting go of a few old views I had on things.. but gainning a few new ones.... one could call it arrogance.. but I really don't care.. my life my choice and views on things...

I admit to myself that I am a snob.... not in a big way.. but I know I am I was talking to a friend.. and she was telling me how she is suprized when men will make a point of openning every door for her... and I was thinking I hold it against men who don't do at least that!

I'm a lady.. and a classy one.. I don't care if I am the only one that thinks so..

I don't like stupid people.. and I won't have that in my sub.. that doesn't mean one need to have degrees or anything... but a certain level of class.. yes.. if you don't know something.. look it up or ask.. I will respect you more for that.. you can fake it.. but do so with class

don't be crude or rude.. when it doesn't call for it

yes I know I am a snob.. I live with it.. if you want me you will too

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