Pandora's box am I?
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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10:20 am

you know why do people not take my warning I am very honest, if I warn you don't come back tot me crying fowl later I don't want to hear it... I can be Pandora's box... if your not sure you want to know what's inside leave it the fuck alone

why do I say all this.. the big complaint I get from subs is that I am not really demanding... yes I know that, and there is a reason for that.... cause most of you could not fucking handle it... for me to be as demanding as I can be, I have to be really into someone... most of y ou have not idea what that would really be like, in all my 35 years, no one has been able to handle it, or the fact that its not all the time but goes on and off, i'm a woman I have hormones nothing I can do about that

I have been told that I hold myself closed to love.. and yes that is partly true I do do that...but hell I am sick and tired of being hurt....puppy hurt me so bad.. I still can't really talk about it with out it hurting...

am I fully over that.. I don't think we really get over being hurt I think we just learn to go beyond it...

but I don't think there is anything wrong with protecting myself, in the best way I know how, from being hurt again

plus I have a lot going on right now i'm stressed out.

BTW dave you aren't being a crappy friend, you don't know how to do that, so never say that again *smile*

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