Monday, Sept. 29, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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11:23 am

ok.. I have decided to always wear black.. I did that same thing when I was about 16.. but that was just to piss my mother off (worked really well too)now it just cause it makes me look so much slimmer

yes I know black make everyone look slimmer, but I not worried about everyone just me so black it is from now on..ok til I buy more black clothes in anycase

well why is it when you tell one sub about another, they tend to think that same thing will work for them.. it doesn't at least it doesn't for me, plus why would I want to do that same thing with everyone... that would mean there is nothing speacial about that sub and if there is nothing special it would get boring very fast.....

but I have found that somethings just flow better with some people.... and he who shal remain nameless for now is just that one where everything just flowed that way it should from being sub to reg talk and back again

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