leather is a very good thing.
Friday, Oct. 03, 2003

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6:04 pm

ok I admit it my period had me a moody yesterday I when from not careing about anything to almost crying on that train on that way home.... on that up side, I tend to keep this to myself til its over... just me and an evil bag of doritoes I got donuts holes as well but I thankfully gave those away....

keeping low carb doing my period is hell.. but the new leather corset I just go is helping *grin*.. I think I now have a growing love of leather I always liked it.. but as I was looking at it and touching it.. I can see how it a joy to touch on someone body.....

and to my favorite reader and you know who you are... my PB... too bad our chat got cut short today.. and didn't get to do any of the things I wanted to a half an hour is just not enough time

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