Always Mine
Sunday, Oct. 12, 2003

What I am Listening to: possession-Sarah Mc Lachlan
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6:32 pm

ok now I am back to knowing what to do... in part... I never know if I will get one of his little midnight calls.. that thrills me so much.... but worries me at the risk he is taking.. I don't want him to risk so much.. but I would be less than honest if I didn't say how much it PLEASES ME.. he is such a GOOD BOY....and I know that harder things get for him the more he needs me.. I can just see him.. my pretty little baby curled around my feet.. licking my ankle.. begging me for attention, when he thinks I'm not looking.. when that truth is I never once forgot he was there.... mine


Does he still feel my collar locked around his neck?

I miss him...

Its like sometimes we are in own world.. and the outside just doesn't or won't understand that world....

I buy him things.. some he doesn't even know about... and I picture dressing him in it


It doesn't matter... what really happens he is mine MINE he has always been mine he will always be mine

this time

next time


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