cause its my nature...
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2003

What I am Listening to: n/a
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8:46 am

ok guess what Thomas is back.. you know my doubting tomtom *smile*.. ok to be honest he never really left, but he does have his book to write... but he does check back with me from time to time.. and considering that basketball season has started, that he took time to talk with me makes me all warm inside *grin*

Well tomtom is always great to talk to though argue would be a better word... which is funny cause tommy is a slave... ok granted only to me... and he like spin take some weird kind of joy in teasing me til I am almost mad... men are so weird... but I have missed sparing with him.. as usual we do sneak in a reg chat in all that.... tommy pointed out that I should never feel guilty about what I do to those that seek me out.. nor do they have the right to blame me it like that story of the frog and the scorpion (will post stroy at the end) its my nature.. to enslave those the seek me that I am drawn to.. and those that seek me out know up front that, that can happen... on fact one could say that they seek me HOPING to be one of those I take...

So in looking at it that way he is right, and seeing that I no longer feel guilty... plus tommy pointed out that a lot of that time I do show a lot of restraint.. though I don't know how true that is with puppy.. but then it doesn't really matter its my nature..(I added the story cause tommy is a writer and has this thing about details so that story is for you tommy)

The Frog and the Scorpion

One day a scorpion was walking along the riverbank trying to find a way to get across the river that separated him from his desired location when he came across a frog sitting alongside the riverbank. The scorpion walked up to the frog and asked the frog if he would take him across the river by giving him a ride on his back. The frog quickly replied, "no he would not give the scorpion a ride." The scorpion then asked him why he would not give the ride. The frog replied, "because Mr. Scorpion if I were to give you a ride on my back we would only get half the way across and you would sting me and then I would drown." Quickly the scorpion replied, "but Mr. Frog, if I stung you then you would drown and if you drown then I would drown also. The frog thought for a minute and then said, "I guess you're right, then I will give you a ride." The scorpion jumps on the frogs back and they start crossing the river. Half way across the river the scorpion just drills the frog with his stinger. The frog immediately starts to panic as he feels the venom race through his veins and he quickly begins to become paralyzed. Just as he is taking his last breath and about to go down, the frog looks at the scorpion and asks "but why?" The scorpion replies, "because that is my nature".

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