I need something to do tonight...or someone
Saturday, Oct. 18, 2003

What I am Listening to: n/a
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7:14 pm

I am so bored I don't know what to do with myself I mean I am going a bit stir crazy.. there is not one to talk to... not even online.. it makes me wish I had gone to the BDSM who-doneit weekend thing they had tonight but I had to work and it being fall break there weren't even any students to cover..but I do think I will go to the semiar next weekend on wax play for sure I will have to take half a day off but my job owes me half a day so it won't have to come out of my vacation which is a good thing.. plus I can go visit my friends and see their new dungeon which they have been trying to get me to go over and see forever... there is a playparty in a local dungeon there near akron after.. but as I know I have to work the next day I don't know if I will go unless I meet someone interesting there, which I doubt...

you know what the problem is.. its the boys.. to me they are just the cream of the crop so when ever I go to any of these things.. other than the learning factor.. I never see anyone there I would even bother with

yes I know tommy that makes me a bit of a snob.. cause most sub are (even men) are shy in public...

and not to be vain which most of the time I have a hard time doing, I feel like I aon the top of the heap as far of woman in looks and always one of the youngest.. thought that the rate I am going that won't be for long as I feel my 40s marching down on me and the years passing by me faster and faster....not even Tgirl has emailed me in a while I did send him a sweetest day ecard... knowing him he is stressing about something

well I go home in a half hour I guess I will get a video or maybe re-read my of my anita blake books for that I don't know how manyth time... or maybe I should just go to a movie.. but all the really good ones are too way too far from me... I could always wait til the middle of the night and go talk to the guy that work in the sex shop a block from building... I think I will just go to bed even masterbating doesn't sound good tonight.. I wish my puppy would call, that would make my night..... I miss him too much I think

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