not much belief here..
Sunday, Oct. 19, 2003

What I am Listening to: n/a
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10:28 am

you really miss me, I can tell from my stats that yo were on reading at about 2am...I don't know why I have a hard time beleiving that sometimes... I think that most don't pay any attention to me , but I know that is not true.... its like that story "Neverending story" when the Queen tells Atraeu "he just can't beleive one little boy can be that important" about Basian

I think part of the reason I am a Dom is cause I want to be that important to someone...but there is a big difference in wanting it and beleiving its true

I think I have a hard time over all beleiving men... no offence against the boys... but even they don't keep their promises... I find it easier just to expect them not to.

Now this is not to say that I think they lie I don't I think they beleive at the time they say it that is true... I don't think that out of sight out of mind...

I know many of the boys would love to agrue this... but that plain fact is you can't.. i'm ok with that mostly anyway...

any way I think I will go make graphics now

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