a pick me up read
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003

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2:37 pm

ok I have been in a bit of a down mood.. I don't like that with some people I can pick up on their feelings and feel it, and in doing so, it can bring up that things that try very hard not to feel bad about... but when I have a good chat with one of the boys I tend to save it not in a chat log but just as a text file so I can go back on days like today and re-read it, and let it help me lift my mood...

today was a puppy day.. cause I know that he is the most devoted to me.. not saying that he doesn't have faults (what man doesn't) but I needed to read no arguments, no push and pull me, which I do like, but not today.. I needed to read abslute submission... not that I don't get that from tommy.. but I have to push him (which I like doing) to get to that point... and well puppy is a puppy... how can a puppy not make you smile... it was what I needed to pull me out of the dark mood I was falling into...

Cause tonight I am going out... solo no sub.. to a demo on wax play. I thought about not going.. but I really should stop being such a snob and go.. so I'm going

I am going to wear one of my corset, not that anyone will care what I have one but who knows maybe I will get lucky and someone will let me pour wax on them.. it could happen if I show emough tit.. *grin* one should use what one has... the sad part is I would rather just talk with one of the boys than be bother by some no name subbie

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