my bluff is good
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2003

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11:40 am

0k I wasn't in that mood to really write yesterday. I was just doing too much thinking... one of my best friends told me a lot of stuff about herself that shocked me in one way and didn't in another, but it did make a lot of other things she has told me final make sense.. I want so badly to help her but I just don't know how.. and yes I know I can't save that world.. my goals aren't that big I just want to help her... not even in here will I tell what she told me.. If I put it anywhere that will be in my book journal if any.... I know she feels like I don't really tell her what is going on with me as she does with me.. and in a way she is right I play everything very very close to my chest, part of it if cause I tend to want everyone to think I can handle any and everything good or bad that comes me way.. and the truth of that matter is that no one can handle everything all that time, not even me

thought I like to pretend that I can... I can handle most of it just not all.. but my bluff is pretty good

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