ebay is the goldmine
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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9:41 am

ok I like had the best night.. tow of my boys called me, a foot boy from texas and a suprize my puppy called me

and it was not even a wed! it was like having a mini birthday *grin*

yeah I know it was only a phone call... but think of how much long distance rates are these days... it is a gift

in put me in so good a mood today that I'm wear my power color of red to work, and even a bit of make-up I don't wear much to work as I try not to stand out there... one would think that I would want to...*smile* but no, cause I like to chat at work, and if no one pays much attention to you they tend not to see y ou or what you are doing... so I don't dress up for work most days.. but I I did today so it a red and black day I even wore dress shoes.

yesterday as good as I day it was I have a headache for half the day and now I know why... I can't go most of the day and not eat on this diet... and I only had sausge and coffee in that morning and two bits of chocolate.. and didn't eat til I got home that night that is just not enough protein for the day... so my head was acheing

I am doing better today I cooked enough dinner last night to bring lunch today...yes I brought my lunch yesterday I just didn't eat it...but I am doing good on it I think.. I haven't lost anymore inches.. but I can tell I am losing the weight.. not sure how much now... the inches are funny sometime is feel like a just skink over night... one day they are there the next gone.... I want to be about a size 12 and I don't have that far to go now but if I can just get to a 36D in bra instead of a 38D I would be very happy with that I could have all the pretty bras I want.

I think its funny that a lot of guy think that a D-cup is big, its not really but then I have been that all my adult life so what do I know...

my goal this week is to get some new fetish boots 6inch heels I want the knee high ones first I think I was going the the thigh-high ones but I changed my mind on that one

and ebay is just a gold mine for fetish toys *grin*

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