life and love
Sunday, Nov. 23, 2003

What I am Listening to:
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3:04 pm

I have been trying very very hard not to think of him all day.. only to him consume my every thought....

One would think a Dom would think of kinky when they think of sex... and some , mostly that is true...

but that is not the case today..I don't know why but my thoughts of sex have been vanilla in that way of what I would have him do... but the thought of him doing it has shivers running though me

I was looking at his pic today.. and the thought of him running his tongue down my back and the thought was so strong I could almost feel it.. and I just shook from head to toe

I don't think he really has any idea of how much I want him... the thought of never with him.... that would just make me crazy... even though it is something more than once that has come up...

I guess he is on my mind cause he suprized me last night and called me..normally he never calls on that weekends, but he did so yesterday....

he asked for the one thing I have always wanted...I want it so much it just scares me.. cause I could give it to him I want to.. but doing that mean giving so much of myself... and its always in the back of my head that he just leave me.... it was so hard that last time, I never fully got over it... I'm not sure what to do.. but at the same time I know I will do it

*sigh* such is life and love

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