all the odd duckys
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003

What I am Listening to: Cranberries~Zombie
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9:04 am

Where do old Dommes go to die?

no i'm not dieing or anthing like that, though today I have cramps so bad it will be touch a go for a while, we will have to see how alieve and large doses of coffee have enough of a effect..I will keep you posted on that

you think if I die I can get my family to bury in fetishwear?... and for once I won't care if my feet get pinched I won't have to do any walking anyway

why I am thinking of death anyway? well I was up to 3am last night or was that this morning? not sure which it was 3am... well anyway I was once again thinking of how alone I am and I will probably die that way... no one wants to grow old with a Domme.. they just don't think of us that way... in my favor is I will age well as I am already 36 and not look it... so I still have some years.. though today is not a good day... tomorrow not looking good either... too bloaty

you know my friend Dave always says he can't believe i am still single or doesn't at least have a boyfriend.. he says that almost every time I talk to him... every time he says that the first thought that comes to my head is "no one wants me, not in any long term" but I never say it cause that is opening a can of worms with Dave, though to be honest he can say all the crap about me just not meeting the right person... cause I'm 36 and I never really had a long term wrong choice... 90% of people my age have at least one.. and my longest was a year.. that is not really long

I'm just sad very very sad, not my mood just my life.

I plan to maybe move to france in my old age and tell stories in some cafe' about my wild youth... *smile* I would at least get to Paris... speaking of I was talking to a sub yesterday who I use to talk to a while back and I totally forgot he was french, not sure how I forgot that.. but he chatted on voice yesterday...ahh he had the most wonderful voice and an that accent! and I think its funny that most Europeans that I talk to love my voice *grin* odd ducks

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