part of my numerology report..all Domme baby!
Tuesday, Dec. 02, 2003

What I am Listening to: nothing
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12:52 pm

I was doing a numerology report on myself.. and sometimes that thing that come up are scarey in a way.. I know when I get into my down moods I ama pain in that but... and some small-minded people will even tak that for being sub when its just being human and painfully lonely... but I will say this everytime I have any piece of my chart done even there it states Dom case and point:

Number Eight Life Path

Your life partner may fit intimately into the way you "do and live your life." Intuitively supportive when you need support, resistant when you need to push a little. Or perhaps, your partner becomes a mirror image...reflecting qualities and traits that you need to bring "into" your life. Or....perhaps, they somehow seem to be ever two steps away, somehow out of sync, but important and vital none the less. This isn't about being right or being wrong. It isn't about fitting or not fitting but simply in understanding "how you live" and how your partner, or potential partner, resonates to that.

You take charge. Period. You have follow them. You engage yourself in a head to head competition for whatever you long for, whatever you desire, whatever you dream about building. Love fits into this picture in the same dynamic way. You know what you get it. A partner who can support you becomes an asset, a valuable component in your quest to accomplish, to do, to accumulate. You'll find yourself energized by someone who can either create enough friction to push you farther (after all you're seeking the ultimate in growth not placidity nor serenity) or who can get behind you and simply push you farther.

Too much timidity will eventually be run over in a mate. Too much fire will become competition that turns into battle. There is a wonderful blend found in someone who shares your interests but is less interested in proving them to you and more interested in the thrill of the challenge. You tend to be dominant in any given situation and that includes romance, passion and love. It's less about a need to get your own way and more about simply knowing what works for you. An inherent ability to deduce and ferret out the most powerful way to get from point a to point b is a natural gift of yours and it influences love as well.

You're a driven person. You'll grow with someone who can either enjoy the ride or who can take over the helm when necessary. That requires your being able to sense their competency, their intelligence, their own drive. When a partnership thrives you'll encourage independence in your partner but, will also need their undivided attention from time to time. You need to take control, not in a negative way necessarily, but in a self assured, "I know what I want," way. You strive for excellence, for power and passion is an ever important part of your unions. A lover who is capable of both challenging you to seek higher summits and satisfying you when you reach them will sneak ever more deeply into your heart.

Life Path is an ever interesting realm. It's where real energy is needed, it's where your awareness is needed. Knowing that you are seeking to do your own life with power, with action and with conviction allows you to claim the same. You won't find yourself projecting your need for control onto others. You won't find yourself creating situations where you ultimately have to summon the courage and fight for what you'll simply embrace it, live it..and experience the surge of passion that it promises.

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