I more blessed than I realized sometimes
Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003

What I am Listening to: nothing
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1:09 pm

ok its been a day and a night I am not sure where to start...

Well I I think that first is astrology.. every time I think to doubt it I about find proof of it..meaning that right now Mercury is in retrograde which mess up all communications... my big proof of that was this morning while on that bus (I love riding the bus its like a soap-opera) I over heard no less than 3 couples argueing about their relationships... and that one thing string though them all was ( you are talking but not listening)sometimes thing like that just amaze me....

but last night I had a long talk with my friend Dave... and as always he not only helps me work though my tangle of emotions which always stress me out .. but took my Plan with baby.. and gave me so many Ideas on it in a way I feel so much better about.. plsu he doesn't think i i'm bad person for trying to get what I want.... and in a small world he know of Jon and the lady that hypnoed him...but then I guess that world of BDSM hypno Doms is not very big over all....he is truely a wonder at times.. have fun putting in you carpet though

then there is Joe my mentor.. and no matter how down on himself he gets he will always be that.. but thinking of the two of them and the other made me realized how blessed I am to know so many wonderful men... and to have them as friends... and that no matter how much I stress over one of you don't think I don't need all of you... in factI have decided that for next year I will travel and meet all my friends... no this doesn't mean sex with all of them.. even if I have played online with them... I am more consevitive than most think in some ways... course if I am dealing with someone who is shy.. that just bring out the devil in me *grin*...also baby gave me a good idea, he has this thing for the 50s.. but I have decided that when I start to buy clothes in a smaller size yeah!.. I think I will go for the old hollywood look you know that bombshell.. do I think I'm one.. well.. maybe *grin* but I got the mindset down and one mostly needs that

well back tot riding the bus I like it where else can you find people like that like the other day there was the guy he looked normal then he pulling out this tv remote and started clicking it at people.. it took everything in my not to laugh or ask was he clicking off or just mute....but never get into a chat with the bus nuts...unless you just want to but never forget they are nuts... anyway that is my rant for now

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