erotic dreams of me...
Monday, Dec. 15, 2003

What I am Listening to: my voice in your ear
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1:55 pm

Now it is time to do something, something simple you will enjoy. Tonight when you

go to sleep, you will have erotic dreams all night long of me. You will have vivid, erotic dreams; erotic,

intensely sexual dreams that will continue throughout the night. You will simply let yourself have

the dreams. You will let yourself have them all night long. You will remember them in the

morning; and you will probably find yourself aroused, although it is not required. Even if you do

not normally remember your dreams, these dreams will be particularly vivid and memorable.

They will be particularly easy to remember when it comes to morning, and you will remember

them clearly and fully. They will simply be wonderful. You will enjoy them thoroughly. There is

no need to read this again unless you want to have more dreams like this, but you will find

that you do enjoy them. You will find them very, very pleasurable. You will imagine all sorts of

erotic scenarios, things you wouldn't even normally do, things you wouldn't even normally dream

of; but you will do them and dream them in your mind. You will let them happen as you sleep.

I'm not going to tell you what they are about, that is for you to decide, that is for you to allow to

happen. All that you have to know is that tonight when you sleep, you will have extremely erotic

sexual dreams of me. That is what they will be, and that is what is going to happen, and you will accept

that. You will accept that completely into your mind, knowing that it is going to happen, and

accepting it totally, allowing it to filter in. Allowing your subconscious to direct your dreams,

direct and control them; and create these wonderful, magnificent erotic dreams like you have

never had before, intensely deep and detailed, intensely erotic and enjoyable. Whatever you find

the most sexual, the most intense, the most pleasurable, these are the things you will find yourself

dreaming about, as well as dreaming about other things that you've considered doing, other things

that you've day dreamed about or might want to do. If you are not a normally sexual person,

these dreams will be considerably moreso, more intense, more vivid, and realistic than anything

you've ever had. You will find them simply wonderful and enjoyable. You will remember them

in the morning. They will be easier to remember than most dreams. They may still have the

disjointed feel of dreams, but they will still be deep and intense and erotic. This is simply what

your dreams are going to be tonight. And you will accept that totally, allowing it to sink deep

down into your subconscious mind. Accept it completely, enjoy it totally. Just simply let it

happen. Allow yourself to let it happen and have these deeply intensely erotic dreams throughout

the night that you will remember in the morning and enjoy, that may even make you feel very,

very aroused but doesn't have to. You will simply accept it as what it is. That is all there is to it,

and you will allow it to happen, allowing the dreams to invade your sleep. Invade them and

arouse you to the deepest levels, whatever you imagined to be erotic, intense and sexual.

Anyway, now it is time to wake back up...

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