baby was sick ...mending now
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003

What I am Listening to: XTC
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9:56 am

ok ok ok I owe baby a "I'm sorry"... I have told him already but I want to say it here too.. I doubt that he would keep a promise to me and he didn't... he didn't just go awol he was very sick with the flu.. which was my first thought but he also got in trouble.. and his computer when down.. which is odd cause I do remember list all of those as could haves for him.. but I talk to him last night he walked me home on my cell phone *smile* which was sweet of him... I knew that cough he had was going to get worst... he was a little loopy from med he was taking but he did give him a few hypno suggestions to help speed up him mending process so he was feeling even better by the time I was done talking to him.

And course when I have my baby I feel better over all and can be my more bubbley self again.... I know this can make some of the others a little jealous which is not what I try to do at all... but we all tend to have a emotional anchor with someone... and he tends to me mine.. so when I don't touch base with him or know why ... it throws me off... *smile*

I know he may not be the best choice as one but we can't always pick in that...

I got a gift from my Boss today... she gave me Chocolate-covered prezels... though i'm on a diet.. those are one of my faves as a treat.. and plus I have been eating fewer carbs than I should be ... on top of not getting enough sleep.. so been feeling not as strong as I normally would.. no i'm not getting sick I just need to get some rest... stay home and curl up with a blanket and some old Cary Grant movies and veg out til I fall asleep all day... course it would be be nice to have a subbie to make my some hot chocolate.... mmmm that sound so nice I just want to curl up I think I will get some movies today for the weekend

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