curious now...
Monday, Dec. 29, 2003

What I am Listening to: nothing
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4:33 pm

I was chatting with bodybuild subbie.. not so much about playing, just about life and all... how my friends are coming into town for newyears and want me to go out and how I don't realy want to go out but I know I will have a good time anyway... and how I will prob drink to much and how it doesn't take much to get me drunk anymore it use to be that 4 drinks and I would be just a nice buzz and now 4 drinks and I am gone.. and he jokes as I was a cheap date... and that made me stop and think.. not about that joke.. but that fact I didn't know that 4 drinks was a cheap date..

its been so long since I have been on a real date I don't what is and wasn't not.. not that I have had a lot of dates over all.. most time I go right from talking to a guy to in a relationship with him.. and then I go out a lot with him.... sometimes.. but it been a long time since even that as now I only deal with subbies and subbies as rule don't really ask a Mistress out....

he thought that was a bit sad.. and I said you don't really miss what you have never had.. but for ones prom which I didn't go to mine cause no one asked me.. so the only regret I really have in that is never going to a formal.. but that is the past and one can't live there so one must let it go.. and I didn't really think about it

but how do the 30somthings date now days what are the rules of it... not that the knowlegde will ever come in handy but now I am curious...

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