Friday, Jan. 09, 2004

What I am Listening to: n/a
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4:51 pm

red aura
Your aura shines Red!

What Color Is Your Aura?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a temptress

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a vampire.

What legend are you?. Take the Legendary Being Quiz by Paradox

You are Peace
You are Peace.

You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
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The Toreador
You are from clan Toreador. The Toreador are called
many things - "degenerates,"
"artistes," "poseurs" and
"hedonists" being but a few. But any
such lumpen categorization does the clan a
disservice. Depending on the individual and her
mood, Toreador are alternately elegant and
flamboyant, brilliant and ludicrous, visionary
and dissipated. Perhaps the only truism that
can be applied to the clan is its members'
aesthetic zeal. Whatever a Toreador does, she
does with passion. Whatever a Toreador is, she
is with passion..
face="Georgia" size="+1"> Now come and join your vampire community. to
become immortal.

What Vampire Clan Are You In (More Clans)
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