baby's b-day present
Friday, Mar. 05, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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6:24 pm

well after two days of semi rest do I feel any better yes and no... all is not as hopeless on the baby front as I thought...he could have worded his email to me so many other ways.. and he knows I pay attention to details.. so that how he said it and what he said siad a lot with out saying it...why he did it this way is beyond me.. maybe I am looking to far into it.. but somehow I don't think so it makes me wonder what he is up to... though I think I am better off not knowing

anyway as for my piercing.. one thing came up I need to get my cat fixed.. so that meant putting my big poke off til after my trip but as the universer must want me to do this, cause my sister came over this morning to give me some money she owned me that hot only will let me fix my cat but will let me get my big poke a week early so I will do it on his birthday.. and the money I was going to use for in on my pay day I will just put into my trip fund.. so I'm in a pretty good mood

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