pics!! of my piercing
Sunday, Mar. 14, 2004

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12:03 pm

ok I just realized that I didn't post any pics of my piercing I have only talked about it so here are two not so good pics

I have found that the sea salt soak will have to be put on hold for a week til after my period as the hormone kick is making havic with my skin... and one could say I am just vain, but its not really that I have never had more than even two zits at one time so stuff on my face is a big big deal to me which is why I am doing all the hand washing til this heals.. but I have found that if you have to wash your hands a lot that softsoap is one of the best you can get not as drying as dial

well I have been thinking about baby, i'm not as upset as I was.. time helps all things I guess...

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