wierd damn dream!
Saturday, Apr. 03, 2004

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1:34 pm

ok I had a really weird dream, it happened more this morning right before I woke up for the day...

I was in bed with a a guy that looked like gregory peck... and I kept thinking that, mind you i'm not a big Peck fun I always thought he was handsome.. but i'm more a cary grant girl when it comes to old hollywood, but I didn't watch a movie or anything so not sure where the he came from.. but he had jet black hair, and he was sucking or most worshiping my breasts.. but people (family) kept knocking on the bedroom door for us to get up.. and he said "all I wanted was about 40 or 50 mins alone with you but I see that is not to be this morning so we might as well get up" and he did and did after catching me breath he was doing a really good job on my breasts... then I went to the dinning room where everyone was he was sitting at the table and smiled at me as I walked in, my sister was feeding a baby which is odd cause all my sister's kids are teens now and it wasn't her baby.. it was a very very happy baby laughing with no teeth and I took over feeding it I don't know if the baby was male or female and it was all happy at seeing me.. and the gregory peck looking guy was really enjoying watching me feed this baby, watching me and the baby together...

ok that reason this is a weird dream, is that as far as I know I don't know any gregory peck looking guys with jet black hair, and as I am now 36 and no boyfriend I don't plan on having any children cause I think I'm too old now.. and it was like I was not really in that dream but standing there I could feel what my dream self was feeling (very very happy) but I kept saying that can't be my baby I'm not having any.. and no one wants me to have their child so it can't be mine it can't be... but it was such a happy baby with silky black curls and toothless grin... then I woke up

I told my best friend this dream and she told me that she always saw me having a child someday that I am just that kind of person.. I don't think so, not that I don't like kids I do.. but I don't see me having that kind of life.. I gave up on having that kind of life when I was about 30 and in that 6 years since that I have only had one boyfriend.. who like most of the guys I have been in a relationship with just abandoned it and me.. so lets just say I don't believe in that BS anymore.. but I guess there is still a part in my head somewhere that dreams about it...

I hope I don't have anymore dreams like that thought it freaked me out

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