staying spoiled!
Tuesday, May. 25, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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5:55 pm

ok body-builder guy who is like so wonderful eye candy got on cam for me... yeah he is local.. but its been a while since I played with him, I think I made myself forget his wonderful body... its a mind rush to be able to have all that under my control...

not that I am knocking baby.. who's body also just does things to me.. and they both have hair on the chest... ok I think I will clean my place and let BBg come over and flog his ass good I need to give a good beating.. and he has a few days to recover so I don't have to hold back.... ok I think I'm getting a head-rush from my own dirty thoughts...

ahh the joy of being a perv *grin* it always diggs me out of the dumps...

plus I do have more in my boys than most dream of having, so I will stop being a brat.. I decided that I want to stay spoiled *GRIN* and enjoy them

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