No time soon
Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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6:25 pm

you know some days I am so fucking dum I'm shocked that anyone would call me smart

What am I being dum about you ask?.. i'm not going to say it just too painful for words, lets just say I got a major wake up call.. one that says stop fucking dreaming and come live in that real world...

Honestly no I don't think I will be here long its not a place that has any welcome for me my dreams are much nicer.. but I think this is one I needed I was pushing in such a way I had not business doing and I got my answer or my pay back or my whatever in short order telling me what i did was wrong, I should really know better than to reach for heights that where never mean for me to reach

once again the universe slapped me back down as if to tell me how dare you...

I think I will go home and do what I always do when that universe slaps that shit out of me.. I will go home and smoke.. cigs you nuts people I don't do illegal.. I just tend to chain smoke... when I get hit this hard.. otherwise it like two a day sometimes none... I think its my day off and its not like I'm going to kiss anyone anytime soon

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