the woman who visited the library from hell
Sunday, Jun. 20, 2004

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3:14 pm

ok yesterday I have the public patron from hell.. and if she wasn't from hell she lives in that same neighborhood...but to set the record striaght I am not an librarain I didn't go to libray school, I'm only an asst which means I only know what i have learned on that job, mind you its a lot but i'm not really paid to do more.. but on top of that the libray I work in is not a public library , its open to the public, but but that doesn't mean the public get the same service as students cause they don't give us any fucking money... and no this is not my rule... this is the rule of that libray I work in.. it being sat and summer most of the librarain tend to take trips and vacation time so this sat I was working alone when said neighbor of satan came in.. and didn't seen to understand that I didn't help her cause one. she didn't really know what the fuck she was really looking for and two. she needed a fucking lawyer and three i'm not a reference librarian

but get that no, not even when I told her this point blank this women wanted me to call someone at home to come in to help her with her question, I really just wanted to laugh in her face cause I don't know of any library in this country where someon will come in on their off day cause patron has a question.. I don't know what libraries she has been going to but she needs to go back to it.. and this spawn told me that she was going to file a complaint on her for not helping her even though I couldn't cause I was and get this discrimating against her.. and if you don't already know I am black and so was she so how was I discrimating on her i'm not sure.. but I can't wait til she file a complaint it should be fun.. mind you I email my boss and the director of this women before she even left the building... she doesn't get it if you pay not money here they will tell you in that nicest way they know how TO GO FUCK YOURSELF

I think I will grin in her face

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