vacation is over YEAH!!!
Monday, Jun. 28, 2004

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5:52 pm

ok I have to use up that last few of my vacation days before that end of June trust my I wasn't happy about it until today I had not left my place in 4 days, it felt like I was in jail (and no I don't know what that is reaaly like) only I was both the jailbird and the keeper, I didn't have anything else to do or place to go I could have just gone for a walk, but I think I was just sick of being alone and it as bad enough being alone and another to just walk around and be along too it doesn't really feel any better

granted I know my hormones are starting to kick in and that makes it worst, where normally it would just be kind of a thought in the back of my head.

on the upside I have been working on my diet I have been very strict not sure if its working yet I will give it a whole month so we will see, but I do know that a bra I had that I use to always fall out of.. I don't anymore so that is cool, I also have a low-carb nuts snak I got from TV so that is cool too

well as of tues I will be back to reg I hate vacation if I have no where to go just staying at home sucks and I tend to to sleep at all

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