DivaM's rambling
Friday, Jul. 02, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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12:21 pm

ok thing are interesting these days not sure what to make of baby.. we have decided to put his role of baby on vacation and just talk to each other as more reg people well there will always be that BDSM level with us, but he is getting to know me as a person which I did want, but I think i'm suprized by... he is learning that I am way insecure.. I readily admit that and I have a right to it, not like I have a history of people sticking around for the long term in fact baby is the longest relationship I have ever had outside of friendship...

but I think I woory sometimes whether he will like the reg me too I know that is dum.. but I know too that I am very quirty and opinionated *grin*

but even in all my quirts and insecureites I face them and know how I am my own faults...I try very hard to learn to deal with them

Also I know I tend to tell people way too much that I really don't have much of a life, this is not whole true in real outside things do, i'm a very out going person, though not as much today as I could be and this is cause I really don't like doing things alone, I really really hate that, but if I do I would drag them everywhere *grin*, but since I don't I tend to watch way way too much TV

I know I am just rambleing on, but hey its my journal get your own then you can ramble anyway you like *grin* and by the way the M in DivaM is for my first name

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