Mommy for sale cheap!
Thursday, Jul. 22, 2004

What I am Listening to:
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5:17 pm

you know I don't know why baby does this to me.. be who gave birth to his baby mode to begin with I trainned him/her started shaping her/him... one of the things that makes playing MOmmy/baby special is that is something I only do with him I don't do that with anyone else... and then he asked for a break.. and it was hard to do and I know he still wanted to play and badly but he sounded to stressed and the mental well-being one baby/sub is also in my hands so I give in and made a game of it.. fine he can just be a sub and or just himself... I always want to know about him anyway and after two years maybe this isn't a bad we take a break and for a little while I talk to him more than I did when he was baby and I do find out many thing about him and he finds out somethings about me like I can be very insecure and I hide it very well but I was being myself and not the Domme or Mommy and just fully me my reg self.. though that Mommy and the Domme are still there and it shows I think... I am just plain Bossy by nature...

then he calls me and tells me that a Domme Imed him and she knew all about him which she shouldn't of known (I figured out later that she got his info from his bids on baby things on ebay) which means she was on there trolling for an AB... all he did mind you want talk to her he didn't play with her and she wanting him too and she gave him her address and phone to her place.. which I told him is a big big red flag... a Domme that is that open of a man she doesn't know and is that free with her home and number is up to something

Now he did tell me all this and he didn't have to but I would be less that honest if said it didn't hurt me like hell, cause he asked me for a break from baby play and then talked to her...

and the worst thing she did was she asked all about me and then she went on to tell him how my feelings didn't make me a good Mommy and how she is a good one cause all she does is AB...

another red flag if you are real you don't tear down another Domme to theri sub... as a female you don't have to go trolling for sub on ebay as the men out number the women find anyone even a AB to play with isn't hard... that fact that he had to tell her not to speak bad of me is another...

another fact is he knows me and trust me I don't take the trust lightly but I also know that people pray on other and in the BDSMworld that is doublely sojust cause a person has a webcam and is free with their info doesn't mean they won't fuck you over in someway...

now I know why she caught his interest she has a full nursey with closet full of clothes.. and I don't have any of those things but then I don't live super close and he has only been my baby for 7 months.. yes she has years on me.. that doesn't make her better more equipted yes but not a better Mommy..she raised so many red flags I told him she should speak with her again and he wouldn't promise me that I think that hurt me most of all.. cause he told her promised her he wouldn't promise me that.. and it hurt cause why does her promise of this woman that he only talked to a few times hold more weight than mine?....and this is what I told him

I can "ask" that you don't to talk to her again, but the truth of the matter is that I can't really stop you in any case...I didn't know that my feelings for the man that is you, made me less of a Mommy to you, for I always thought it made me more.. and yes it bothers me that anyone would try to make you believe that my feelings for you makes me less in your eyes just to futher their own cause which is to take you from me

no I don't have a closet full of clothes or a high chair or a changing table I'm a pretty much new mommy I have and have been learning as I go, which you know I have put a lot of time and effort into..and you do know me well enough to know I don't spend time on things I don't enjoy I didn't have to take you into the baby angel mode I could have led you away from it if it wasn't something I really truely enjoyed...

I'm very sure she has that most wonderful nursey and I am sure also she has all the things to make it so, most Pros do.. but i'm not a Pro, I'm a Mommy and when my sweet angel darling came into my arms I didn't see it coming to have everything ready for her, I don't think that made me a bad Mommy, just a new one. I only have one dress in my closet, one pair of shoes, one petticoat, one pair of rhumba pants, I don't have a parade of things for any baby that comes though my door, my things are only for my baby, my only baby.. I have only had my baby for 7 months and I don't claim that I know all there is to know about being a Mommy.. and yes others do know more, have more years, thier own house and all...but I don't think that having less made me less of a Mommy

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